Equal Shared Parenting facts, research studies, laws,
Child Trafficking Money System Diagram
EQUAL SHARED PARENTING Site #ESP #EqualSharedParentingSite #EqualSharedParenting #EqualSharedParentingcom
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Statistics of Child Behavior related to Parenting Time (On a phone, select the Menu button for other pages.)
This evidence, the studies prove the common sense that equal shared parenting is the best interest for children's health!
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ACTION - We need Congress sponsor names. CALL CONGRESS NOW to eliminate over $4.4 Billion annual in anti-father Title IV-D matching incentives, which flow to county attorneys, divorce judges and police - illegal financial conflicts of interest. These $Billions are stolen from your retirement funds of the Social Security system that is quickly going bankrupt.
LAWS - The only states that DON'T VIOLATE the U.S. Constitution's EQUAL PROTECTION clause are shared parenting laws in Kentucky (2018), Arkansas (2021), West Virginia (2022), Florida (2023), Missouri (2023)
- because they a have a judicial starting point of rebuttable presumption of EQUAL shared parenting.- see law details below.
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The largest Child Trafficking System in the WORLD!
An ABBREVIATED VERSION of the diagram is BELOW the detail version here.
Detailed version above
Abbreviated version below
US Supreme Court decisions (1977, 2000):
- There must be a "Compelling Need" before "Interference" by the government into private lives. (Boerne v. Flores 1977)
- Any Interference must be "Least Restrictive" and "Only to PREVENT HARM" (Troxel v. Granville 2000).
Harm must be proven in a criminal court with a fair citizen jury - not just allegations in a constitution violating divorce court.
For several decades for the purpose of control over children and more than $50 Billion a year to divorce lawyers, the judges have been willfully violating the US Constitution Equal Protection and Supreme Court rulings, severely restricting and abusing the human rights of children to be raised by their own fathers, not just as a visitor 4 days a month if they aren't blocked by the custodial parent..
"Children shall have a fundamental right to co-equal access with each of their two parents" Alabama B408 bill
"Children shall also have the right to reside and spend an equal amount of time with each parent." Mass. H1688 bill
Many child custody laws have poison pill clauses that willfully violate human rights by denying Constitutional equal protection if there is one unproven domestic allegation, even against unrelated! persons in the radical Minnesota law. Weak people allowed the radical feminist activists to inject these poison pill clauses which willfully violate due process, the Constitution and Supreme Court decisions (see below) which require proven harm before restrictions...
- Florida had equal shared parenting bills pass the legislature with 2/3 majority in three years since 2013 which were vetoed by lawyer governors Rick Scott in 2013 and 2016 and Ron Desantis in 2022. The lawyer governor vetoes were
after the legislative session ended so veto overrides couldn't be done
On the fourth try in 2023, the bill was finally signed.
- In June 2018, Kentucky enacted a shared parenting law for permanent orders. This law Kentucky 403.270 section (2) states "there shall be a presumption, rebuttable by a preponderance of evidence, that joint custody and equally shared parenting time is in the best interest of the child."
It passed the Kentucky House 81-2 and unanimous in the Senate and was signed by Republican businessman Gov. Matt Bevin.
- In April 2021, Arkansas enacted a law Act 604 for rebuttable presumption of joint custody, defined as equal parenting time. SB18 passed the House 71-16 and the Senate 33-2, and was signed by Republican lawyer Gov. Asa Hutchison.
Arkansas Code Title 9. Family Law § 9-13-101 (a)(1)(A)(iii) "In an action for divorce, an award of joint custody is favored in Arkansas" "(5) As used in this section, 'joint custody' means the approximate and reasonable equal division of time with the child by both parents individually as agreed to by the parents or as ordered by the court. (iii) ... "and may change a joint custody order to an order of primary custody to the nondisruptive parent." (c) "allegations are proven by a preponderance of the evidence" https://codes.findlaw.com/ar/title-9-family-law/ar-code-sect-9-13-101.html
STATISTICS below are
from the Child Behavior page Statistics of Child Behavior related to Parenting Time #SoloMoms
20.3 million children - more than HALF OF CHILDREN from homes broken up in U.S. courts for profit have NO part-time living with their father (2010 Census data).
• Nearly 40% of all children in America do not live with their fathers. [US News and World Report, February 27, 1995, p.39]
Children from solo mom homes are:
• 33 times more likely to be seriously abused (require medical attention)
• 15.3 times more likely to have behavioral disorders
• 6.6 times more likely to become teenage mothers (if they are girls)
Fathers are genetically the protectors of children and women.
VIDEOS - Research Studies
Watch the studies cited in videos below that prove that
THE CHILD TRAFFICKING MONEY SYSTEM over $100 Billion per year (attached diagram)
Connecticut Judiciary Committee Rep. Minnie Gonzalez testified in 2014 (excellent video 1 min.- title and link below)
"It's all about money, Not in the best interest of
watch 2015 DivorceCorp professional videos
youtube Channel and film “DivorceCorp”
video "Child Trafficking
American Style"
Best video "Law Report Shared Parenting" Swedish child health study
– equal parenting is best
excerpt 2min www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWnECNvM3-A&list=PLNeNmjbdXyzKtdbenB_zLnfXyjXSOt-op&index=2
full 10min www.youtube.com/watch?v=36Hwn26KXoY&list=PLNeNmjbdXyzIc2W2uNpQrToWqGQxHeFXW&index=22
2nd best child health video 2 min. “Preserving Parent-Child Relationships - A Critical Analysis”
“International Conference on Shared Parenting 2014, Bonn”
video www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ytMFde6-R4&list=PLNeNmjbdXyzJYHt1urRBy1Mn-qVNCmnHC&index=17
Current laws violate international human rights treaties.
The First International Conference on Shared Parenting 2014 arrived at the following
six major areas of consensus:
1. There is a consensus that neither the discretionary best interests of the child standard nor sole custody or primary residence orders are serving the needs of children and families of divorce. There is a consensus that shared parenting is a viable post-divorce parenting arrangement that is optimal to child development and well-being, including for children of high conflict parents. The amount of shared parenting time necessary to achieve child well being and positive outcomes is a minimum of one-third time with each parent, with additional benefits accruing up to and including equal (50-50) parenting time, including both weekday (routine) and weekend (leisure) time.
2. There is consensus that “shared parenting” be defined as encompassing both shared parental authority (decision-making) and shared parental responsibility for the day-to-day upbringing and welfare of children, between fathers and mothers …
3. There is a consensus that national family law should at least include the possibility to give shared parenting orders, even if one parent opposes it. There is a consensus that shared parenting is in line with constitutional rights in many countries and with international human rights, namely the right of children to be raised by both of their parents.
4. There is a consensus that the
following principles should guide the legal determination of parenting after
divorce: (1) shared parenting as an optimal arrangement for the majority of children
of divorce, and in their best interests. (2) parental autonomy and
self-determination. (3) limitation of judicial discretion in regard to best
interests of children.
5. There is a consensus that the above apply to the majority of
children and families, including high conflict families …
Social Science and Parenting Plans for Young Children: A Consensus Report 2014
– a meta-study with the endorsement of the 110 top researchers and practitioners listed in the Appendix.
excerpt from http://canadianepc.org/resources/warshak/
“Just as we encourage shared parenting in two-parent homes,” Warshak said, “the evidence shows that shared parenting should be the norm for children of all ages, including sharing the overnight care for very young children.” In his press release, Warshak notes: “To maximize children’s chances of having long lasting relationships and secure attachments to each parent, Warshak’s consensus report encourages both parents after their separation to maximize the time they spend with their children, including the sharing of overnight parenting time.”
The top experts in this field are united in their concern that flawed science is leading to parenting plans and custody decisions that harm children and their parents.
This consensus report was prepared by Richard A. Warshak, Ph.D., a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. It was analyzed by an international group of 110 top experts in early child development, parent-child relationships, and divorce. These 110 experts have endorsed the final conclusions and recommendations, and the report, which has been published in Psychology, Public Policy and Law, a journal of the American Psychological Association.
The consensus report ends with recommendations. Of particular note are these excerpts:
1. we believe that the social science evidence on the development of healthy parent-child relationships, and the long-term benefits of healthy parent-child relationships, supports the view that shared parenting should be the norm for parenting plans for children of all ages, including very young children.”
3. In general the results of the studies reviewed in this document are favorable to parenting plans that more evenly balance young children’s time between two homes. ...Thus, to maximize children’s chances of having a good and secure relationship with each parent, we encourage both parents to maximize the time they spend with their children. Parents have no reason to worry if they share parenting time up to 50/50 when this is compatible with the logistics of each parent’s schedule.”
4. Research on children’s overnights with fathers favors allowing children under four to be cared for at night by each parent rather than spending every night in the same home. Overnights help to reduce the tension associated with rushing to return the child, and thus potentially improve the quality and satisfaction of the contact both for the parent and child. …. An additional advantage of overnights is that in the morning the father can return the child to the daycare; this avoids exposing the child to tensions associated with the parents’ direct contact with each other. … decision makers should recognize that depriving young children of overnights with their fathers could compromise the quality of their developing relationship.”
6. There is no evidence to support postponing the introduction of regular and frequent involvement, including overnights, of both parents with their babies and toddlers.”
It is apparent from the interviews of Dr. Warshak that he collaborates with and flatters judges, lawyers and other feminists who oppose shared parenting. Dr. Warshak, as a result of his gentle approach and his knowledge, has one of the most successful parental alienation reunification programs “Warshak Family Bridges” published in Psychology Today.
February 21, 2014 “A broad consensus of accomplished researchers and practitioners agree that, in normal circumstances, the evidence supports shared residential arrangements for children under 4 years of age whose parents live apart from each other.”
According to Donald C. Hubin, Ph.D., Chair, Executive Committee, National Parents Organization of Ohio, and Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, The Ohio State University, “Decades of social science research have shown a growing consensus that there are significant benefits for children when parents living apart share parental responsibilities equally. Multiple studies and meta-studies have confirmed this. Now, finally, we have a consensus report, signed on to by over a hundred researchers and practitioners, confirming this conclusion for young children--the very cases where opponents have frequently focused their attacks on equally shared parenting. Dr. Warshak and 110 other social scientists conclude unequivocally that "in normal circumstances, the evidence supports shared residential arrangements for children under 4 years of age whose parents live apart from each other."
White House consultant Dr. Warshak and his colleagues conclude that "policymakers and decision makers should recognize that depriving young children of overnights with their fathers could compromise the quality of developing father-child relationships."
Those legislators and judges who truly aim to promote the best interest of children must pay attention to what the best research we have says promotes those interests: shared residential arrangements.”
Shared Physical Custody: Summary of 40 Studies on Outcomes for Children, by Linda Nielsen
Nov 2014. Dept of Education, Wake Forest University, in the Journal of Divorce & Remarriage
Key findings
1. Shared parenting children of all ages made better grades, were
less depressed, and were more well-adjusted
behaviorally than the children in the sole residence families.
2. High, ongoing conflict in which the children are involved sometimes diminish the benefits of shared parenting. But this does not mean shared parenting will create negative impact, in fact, shared parenting is more likely to decrease the negative impact of conflict.
source: http://equalitycanada.com/cause/parental-alienation-and-fatherlessness-2/ lists key findings of many studies
Notes on Equal Shared Parenting Laws
Arkansas Gov. signed an equal parenting law on April 11, 2013
- Act 1156, which was voted 93% in favor - counting both House and Senate: yeas 113, nays 9. ( House 85-4-10 Senate 28-5-2
In Arkansas, the only House members VOTING AGAINST EQUAL parenting were 4 LAWYERS who had served on the JUDICIARY committee and remained loyal to the best interest of lawyers and judges. Surprisingly, all 9 votes in the House and Senate in Arkansas against equal parenting were by men. 6 of those 9 votes against equal parenting were by LAWYERS. FOLLOW THE MONEY!
Arkansas Act 1156 passed 2013 https://www.arkleg.state.ar.us/Acts/FTPDocument?path=%2FACTS%2F2013%2FPublic%2F&file=1156.pdf&ddBienniumSession=2013%2F2013R
(iii) In an action for divorce, an award of joint custody is favored in
custody" means the approximate and reasonable EQUAL division
both parents individually as agreed to by the parents or as ordered by the
SECTION 3. (b)(1)(A)
(iii) If, at any time, the circuit court finds by a
preponderance of the evidence that one (1) parent demonstrates a
pattern of willfully creating conflict in an attempt to disrupt a
current or pending joint-custody arrangement, the circuit court may deem such
behavior as a material change of circumstances and may change
a joint custody order to an order of primary custody to
the nondisruptive parent.
Arizona 2012 law encourages more Joint Parenting
The Arizona law advises judges to adopt plans that increase as much as possible both parents' time with a child and advises judges not to give one parent preference based on the parent's or child's gender.
The Arizona Republic reports that, under the new law, judges now must fine any parent who lies to the court or tries to delay court proceedings.
A signed Act of Law - Senate Bill 1127 (2012):
section 25-403.02 Parenting plans B. consistent with the best interest sections ... the court shall adopt a parenting plan that provides for both parents to share legal decision-making regarding their child and that maximizes their respective parenting time.
section 25-415. A. Sanction costs ... if 1. Knowingly presented a false claim ... with knowledge that the claim was false. ... B. ... court may also 3. Modify legal decision-making or parenting time ..
full text showing changes www.azleg.gov/legtext/50leg/2r/laws/0309.pdf
In early 2017, no matter what you heard, Arkansas was the only state in the USA with a child custody law that doesn't violate the U.S. Constitution's Right of Equality. Arkansas has a true and common sense presumption that Children Need their mother and father Equally. Violations of parenting equality require a written opinion of an Arkansas judge, or a proven conviction of harm against the child in a criminal court with the right of a citizen jury. The U.S. Constitution guarantees a citizen jury for all violations of fundamental rights, of which parenting is the highest - after the right to life. Other so-called 'shared parenting state' is usually a lie by women, lawyers or NPO, because most U.S. states still allow a woman to dictate almost everything she wants, regardless of court orders, and suffer no legal penalties.
In 2013 and 2016 and 2022 the big state of Florida tried to get a law to treat children, mothers and fathers as Equal Humans with Human Needs. Both 2013 and 2016, single-handedly, lawyer GOV.RICK SCOTT killed the popular shared parenting bills, and lawyer GOV. RON DESANTIS in 2022. A big state momentum is necessary in the USA to restore the Constitutional Protection of Equality under the Law - which judges/lawyers and police willfully violate for power and over $100 Billion annually in profit.
Florida Lawyers GOV. RICK SCOTT and GOV. RON DESANTIS are ENEMIES OF CHILDREN and lovers of lawyers. Lawyer Gov. Rick Scott is a Boss in the Child Trafficking Money System and VETOED the shared parenting bills in 2013 and 2016, both of which passed with overwhelming support of more than 2/3 majority vote and even greater public support, except from lawyers and police who fight against shared parenting for power and money. Gov. Rick Scott is a repeat offender/violator of children's human rights.
Past NPO (NationalParentsOrganization.org) reports on the following states were false/misleading. The custody laws in Minnesota and Utah are NOT shared parenting laws (and not 2016 Missouri HB 1550 either). (MN 2014 HF 2722) (UT 2015 House bill 35). All of these laws were huge victories for anti-family activists and lawyers especially in Minnesota, because these laws greatly multiplied the power of making false allegations of abuse that aren't even relevant to the child or the father. Because of this, these laws were 1 step forward, and 5 giant leaps backwards. None of them have a presumption of shared parenting.
The consensus report of 110 worldwide family experts (above) agreed that a minimum of 1/3 parenting time is necessary and with the benefits to the children increasing greatly with equal parenting time.
Contrary to past NPO reports, South Dakota also doesn't have a shared parenting law. "the current starting point (presumption) is still minimal parenting time" https://parentingtogetherlivingapart.wordpress.com/2014/01/20/what-the-new-shared-parenting-bill-in-south-dakota-willwont-do/
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TAGS: Equal Shared Parenting, Equal Child Custody, Corrupt Judges, Corrupt Courts, Parental Alienation
TAGS: Equal Shared Parenting, Equal Child Custody, Corrupt Judges, Corrupt Courts, Parental Alienation
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